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1、 Safety of use of industrial robots and equipment on/off operation specifications


Industrial robots play an important role in modern industrial production, and their high efficiency, precision, and flexibility make them widely used in many applications. However, due to its high-speed movement and powerful power, improper operation may bring serious safety risks. Therefore, in order to ensure the safe operation of industrial robots and protect the integrity of operators and equipment, it is necessary to follow a series of operating procedures.


The following are safety regulations for the use of industrial robots and equipment on/off operation specifications:


Use Safety


1. The area around the robot must be kept clean and free of oil, water, and other impurities. Before loading and unloading workpieces, the robotic arm should be moved to a safe position and it is strictly prohibited to operate the machine during the loading and unloading process.


2. Operating disc and gloves: Gloves should not be worn when operating the teaching disc and operating disc. If manual control of the robot is required, it should be ensured that there are no personnel or obstacles within the robot's range of motion, and the speed should be gradually adjusted from slow to fast to avoid injury or loss caused by sudden speed changes.


3. Preparation before executing the program: Before starting the robot, ensure that there are no unrelated personnel, tools, or items in the robot's workspace. The workpiece should be reliably clamped and the welding procedure should be confirmed to match the workpiece.


4. Maintain workstation order: Due to the fast and dangerous movement of robots, operators should ensure that only trained personnel are present in the work area. Non staff are strictly prohibited from entering the work area.



5. Operation during operation: During the operation of the robot, it is strictly prohibited for the operator to leave the site to ensure timely handling of any unexpected situations.


6. Observation and prevention of accidents: When the robot is working, the operator should pay attention to checking the status of the items added by the gripper to prevent them from suddenly falling.


7. Pre startup inspection: Before starting up, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the industrial robot to ensure that all components are in normal operation. In addition, it is necessary to confirm whether there are any debris within the working range of the robot and the stroke range of each cylinder, as well as whether the end effector and other supporting equipment of the industrial robot are working properly.


8. Operator requirements: Operators must receive relevant training and obtain corresponding operation certificates. They must perform contact operations after the robot stops running and must not approach or touch the robot during its operation.


This article is supported by Yaskawa Robotics. For more detailed and exciting content, please click on our website http://www.tjhtzl.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with satisfactory service.


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